The season seems a bit repetitive and less complex than before: the good place is not really a good place after all, so humans try to redesign it. Still, I'm giving five stars all because of the last episode. It is sentiment, encouraging, inspirational, and reflective. It really struck a core inside me and I could only ball over the feeling of finally being at peace at your life, and then accepting the ultimate control over your life with no re-do.
i'm super fan!!! 这是我必录的片子,每天的功课。。。可惜没有发行dvd(只有season1的)。。。有多少美剧可以大结局到最后,两男一女持续7,8年的,这就是其中之一。。ps,为啥在两个“白痴”后的三个孩子都是天才±±